Dr. Bruno Courtemanche

Dr. Courtemanche earned his Bachelor’s and Masters degrees at Université de Sherbrooke. His current research focuses on underwater light scattering and microwave scattering. Co-owner and founder of RS Conception inc., Dr. Courtemanche is working with federal agencies, Sherbrooke University and the private sector to create the next cutting edge sensors and sensors platforms.

Fields of Interest

Sensor and sensor platform design, light scattering, data clustering, remote sensing oceanography, remote sensing of the cryosphere, collaborative science.

Dr. Russell Butler

 Dr. Butler’s research is focused on applying deep learning techniques for deriving reliable biometrics from non-invasively acquired physiological signals in the healthy human. Currently, his lab is in the process of acquiring MRI scans and long-duration smartwatch recordings from a cohort of healthy subjects in order to uncover neuroanatomical correlates of heart rate variability over a period of several months. For example: can someone’s gray matter thickness be predicted based on their heart rate variability during sleep? Dr. Butler hopes to eventually apply insights gained from this multimodal dataset to aging or clinical cohorts, in order to provide early warning signs of cerebrovascular or cardiac incidents based on the smartwatch signal alone.


Gabrielle Bourbeau

Departmental Laboratory & Field Coordinator


Steven Poulin

Presently doing his thesis on the Ubergaiter, in the course of a Masters in Computer Science under the co-direction of Bruno Courtemanche and Dr. Russell Butler. After going out of the conventional computer science path, Steven took some of Bruno’s courses in GIS and this encounter steered him towards remote sensing, biology and geographical information systems. There to help with the UBERG projects, aiming to bridge between environmental research and the programming of sensors, servers and drones to achieve them.

Amber Hewett


Through the years, so many students participated in devising, designing, building, testing and deploying research tools.

Mathilde Tremblay

Amélie Morin

Reagan Bienvenue

Rhodric Anselmo Mendoza Hayward

Eric Hudon

Jacob Guité

Maeva Houle MHOULE21@UBishops.c

Zak Gionet

Eva Corriveau

Diane Drak Alsibai