Undergraduate Bishop’s Earth Research Group


The mission of UBERG is to carry out environmental research projects that benefit our surrounding community while providing undergraduate students educational opportunities to develop applied research skills.

The Undergraduate Bishop’s Earth Research Group (UBERG) aim to provide deep and meaningful research experience in applied geospatial subjects for undergraduate students.


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Helping organizations  accomplish more efficient aquatic plant mapping. An aquatic drone adapted for the monitoring of spatial distribution of underwater herbaceous species.

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Underwater Pollen Identification(UPI

Monitoring pollen, a challenge accepted ! This project aims to build a new instrument: an underwater pollen flow cytometer (UPFC), to be used to resolve two issues: monitoring pollen  in real time with autonomous instruments and monitoring underwater suspended pollen grains.

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Three-dimensional mapping of Quebec caves (3DMQC)

Democratizing underground cave exploration with website ? This project is all about improving technique to gather cavern telemetry.


We were mandated by Spéléalogie Québec to create a 3D visualization of the newly discovered (fall 2017) part of the Saint-Léonard Cavern in Montréal, which we did using LiDAR technology. See previous projects to discover the work done by previous students.


UBERG projects are fuelled by the ideas and the needs of various organizations, labs, companies and individuals. We always welcome new suggestions or sponsorship to improve our research activities and to make a difference in our world. Visit get involved for more information.